Integrity Matters Broadcasts, 2006
September 5, 2006
Educational Integrity
Dear Friends:
Learning can be ongoing, especially when time and
energy are devoted to listening to those who are themselves
gaining new insights. Such was the case recently
for my wife, Jane, and me, as we heard reports from three
faculty members of an Episcopal Day School in Carmel
Valley, California just after they had returned from
a powerful workshop at Harvard.

All Saints' Episcopal Day School and the
Bracher Foundation
Building Connections, Affirming Core Values
August 28, 2006 - Carmel, California -- Three
All Saints' Day School faculty members attended
the Project Zero Summer Institute at Harvard University,
through the generous ongoing support of the Bracher
Foundation. At a faculty in-service session,
the three "Bracher Scholars" shared their
experiences with the entire faculty and staff, along
with a wealth of resource material. Special guests
were Jim and Jane Bracher, whose daughter Beth graduated
from ASDS in 1986.
Faculty members Cynthia Ainsworth, Marie Butcher
and Iris Charney-Sullivan were enthusiastic about sharing
their experiences with their colleagues. Cynthia Ainsworth,
librarian at All Saints', said "What stood
out for me at Project Zero is the importance of understanding
connections: our past experiences and knowledge and
how we connect this understanding to new experiences
and new knowledge. Each child brings with them a completely
different understanding of the world and how important
it is for us as educators to value these unique perspectives
as students connect to new ways of viewing the world.
The outcome of this expanded thought is the ability
to connect to other cultures and form partnerships
that will have global benefits."
Iris Charney-Sullivan, who teaches fourth grade
at All Saints', was pleased to be able to learn
from such masters in the field of education as Howard
Gardner, David Perkins and Steve Seidel. "Many
of our classes were based upon visual educational experiences
that support the multiple intelligences of all learners.
We felt especially affirmed that ASDS is on the right
track educationally. Just look at our Core Values and
see how these ideals pervade our every day learning
experiences in teaching to the whole child. This was
one of the best professional growth seminars I have
ever attended. "
French teacher, Marie Butcher, was encouraged to
seek out "excellence, ethics and engagement," and
commented, "Our core values at All Saints' were
reaffirmed in multiple ways, as we engaged in discussions
on topics such as 'What do we really want students
to understand?' We were encouraged to prepare
students not only for the known (mathematical equations,
names or dates of historical events, etc.), but also
for the unknown, the challenges that we are all faced
with in the 21st century."
All Saints' Head of School Michele Rench said "I
am incredibly grateful to the Bracher Foundation for
providing the support necessary for a professional
growth opportunity of this caliber for our faculty."
It is important to maintain balance between self-interest
and social responsibility. Education and personal growth
are constructive options; often pursued by those who
want to improve and are willing to invest their own time
and money to do so. Please consider attending our
upcoming one-day workshop entitled: MBA
Impact: Essentials. Learn more and
register for September 20 - MBA
Impact: Essentials.