Restore integrity through insight.
A world in which people do what they say, are forthright in their communications, and a handshake solidifies any promise.
Provide integrity-centered leadership counsel.
Through our integrity-based services, we improve productivity for the investor, executive, team, culture, organization and the individual.
No substitute for the truth
Creating and supporting a climate that encourages forthright communications - including presenting the bad news first - enables members of the organization to function more effectively.
Verbal handshake
Promises are made and kept. Integrity, timeliness, quality and loyalty are reflections of what it means to honor commitments.
Intensity, sensitivity and follow-through
Productivity is measured in accomplishment and impact. Graphs measure productivity. High morale and constructive relationships emerge when what people say is reflected in how they treat others.
"Integrity is one of several paths; it distinguishes
itself from the others because it is the right path and
the only one upon which you will never get lost."
-- M.H. McKee
When businesses fail in their values, they decay from the
inside. In the late 1990's, values came to be viewed as
expensive and conservative relics of the old economy. In
the race to sell the latest and greatest product or service,
the false promises of hollow values spoke too frequently
to what we would not or could not do. As we begin the Twenty-first
Century, the excesses of a few appear to have punished the
whole of society, especially the economy. A world has been
created where the prevailing structures promote the politics
of convenience over the commitment of leadership. Too large
a part of the business community enjoyed the excesses of
luxury as it drifted from quick deals to devastating dishonesty. It
should be common knowledge that free markets must operate
with integrity, a culture of compliance, or face increasing
If you are interested in developing integrity in your business,
capturing customers, motivating your workforce, and setting
your organization apart, then turn to our consulting
services and come away with a process to re-ignite the
fire that drives integrity inside and beyond your enterprise.
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Jane K. Bracher
Jane K. Bracher, President and Chief Executive Officer of Dimension Five Consultants, Inc. founded in 1980, helped expand services globally. Addressing management and leadership development concerns, Jane grew the firm from a few word-of-mouth referrals to a consulting brand known for identifying talent, domestically and internationally. By coordinating team building for organizational impact and profit; she grew her job in accounting (where she started, part time, for two weeks) to operations, culminating with her becoming CEO.
In 1993, Jane renamed Dimension Five’s individual leadership assessment approach, originally called profiling. She saw ways to better leverage the value-added impact of Dimension Five’s executive effectiveness process, building a consulting approach into a brand, called a leadership Portrait. The value-added element of this approach would provide clients with a powerful differentiator. Instead of focusing narrowly on how people currently behaved, using a standard organizational development approach, Jane saw that focusing on the potential of the individual would better enable clients to capitalize on Dimension Five’s high-speed, accurate and effective leadership counsel.
The Portrait process became the leadership and teambuilding platform that enabled individuals to even more constructively impact organizational growth and productivity - providing tools and processes that could:
Dimension Five services were featured on network television, in national newspapers and business journals. Jane and Jim Bracher were the originators of the “Talking with Leaders” symposia, celebrating the first ten years of Dimension Five Consultants in 1990 - hosting President Gerald Ford and early in 1991- Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick.
Jane encouraged Dimension Five’s Founder, Jim Bracher, to provide an on-line service, creating the Bracher Center for Integrity in Leadership in 2004, offering a free “library” on its Resources page. The resources page focuses on the role of integrity in effective leadership; sharing insights from consultation with 8,000 leaders.
Following her retirement from the Bracher Center, in December 2007, Jane will continue to serve as CEO of Dimension Five Consultants, Inc. - having relocated the firm’s offices from Monterey, California, to nearby Carmel, simultaneously scaling down the consulting services from national and international assignments to primarily regional projects.
Prior to her operational role with Dimension Five, Jane, and educator, focused on early childhood development, having taught at the Church of St. Michael and George, St. Louis, Missouri.
Following her decade as a “stay-at-home” mother, wife and partner with Jim, Jane returned to the working world, outside the home, to expedite the launching and expansion of Jim’s entrepreneurial efforts, Dimension Five Consultants and later the formation and development of the Bracher Center for Integrity in Leadership.
Jane’s education: Elmhurst College, Elmhurst Illinois; The American School, Jerusalem, Israel; and Mansfield College, Oxford University, England. Hobbies: music, travel, reading and golf (but only on warm clear days).
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James F. Bracher
Jim Bracher, architect for the renewal of integrity-centered leadership, created the Bracher Center for Integrity in Leadership in 2002, as an extension of his 33 years advising individuals and organizations. Those who have sought Jim's counsel include entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and individuals addressing succession concerns. Jim's leadership development firm Dimension Five Consultants, Inc., of which he is Founder and Chairman, is located in Monterey, California, and was established in 1980.
In October, 2007, Jim was named Director, Executives-in-Residence, at the Foundation of California State University Monterey Bay, CSUMB, in Seaside, California. Executives-in-Residence provides motivated students access to and insights from some of the most successful and influential leaders in the world; many of whom reside locally and are volunteering their career guidance expertise. Capitalizing on a network of clients, colleagues and friends, Jim is offering similar counsel to what has been provided through the Bracher Center and Dimension Five Consultants.
The motivation for the Bracher Center grew from suggestions of clients. They realized that Dimension Five was collecting data concerning effective and integrity-centered leadership that would enable leaders to gain insight into their own operational effectiveness as well as that of their organizations. Jim also saw a need for a Resources section on the website focused on learning, study, and knowledge concerning the role of integrity in effective leadership. The Bracher Center shares insights that have been gained by Dimension Five in consultation with 8,000 leaders.
His work has been featured on network television, in national newspapers and business journals. He is the originator of the "Talking with Leaders" symposia. Jim writes a weekly newspaper column, Integrity Matters, and he is published in both English and Spanish. Jim has conducted leadership effectiveness workshops - MBA Impact - in association with Extended Education at California State University - Monterey Bay. Jim lectures on leadership and golf based on his published-research in PGA Professionals Magazine - September, 2006: Leadership requirements similar for PGA Professionals and corporate executives - "What they didn't teach you in business school that your golf professional might"
Prior to Dimension Five, Jim, an ordained clergyman, served ten years as a chaplain, associate minister, and senior pastor. His assignments were Saint Louis Country Day School in Ladue, Missouri; Second Congregational Church in Greenwich, Connecticut; First Congregational Church in Terre Haute, Indiana; and Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula in Carmel, California.
Jim's education includes a Bachelor of Arts, Elmhurst College; and a Master of Divinity, Eden Theological Seminary. He has continued his education at Whittier College, The American School, Jerusalem, Israel, Oxford University and the Hudson Institute.
Jim's professional experience includes advisory councils and boards of directors. Along with his own counselors and faculty at the Bracher Center, he restores integrity through insight.
Co-author of the book Integrity Matters with Daniel E. Halloran.
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E. Halloran
Dan Halloran provides
integrity-centered consulting with an emphasis on
increasing international impact. He also directs
the expansion of the Bracher Center for Integrity
in Leadership. As a natural extension of his 40 years
in business, he provides the Bracher Center with
a multi-disciplinary approach derived from assignments
in human resources, finance, sales and operations.
Dan's global perspective has been refined through
leadership he provided for Motorola to the countries
and cultures of Greater Asia, Europe, the Middle
East, Africa and the Americas.
Dan ended his 33-year Motorola career as a Vice-President
in 2001. Prior to joining the Bracher Center for
Integrity in Leadership, Dan was responsible for
the human resource delivery system for the Asia Pacific
Region for four of the businesses of Motorola. He
later directed the shared services functions supporting
Motorola's 30,000 employees in the Asia Pacific Region. |
Dan supported Motorola's Asia-Pacific Region while residing
in Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore. Moving to London, Dan
directed staffing functions across Europe, the Middle East
and Africa. He has managed public seminars in human resources
for the Australia Quality Council in Melbourne, Canberra
and Sydney; on behalf of Motorola University in Kuala Lumpur
and Singapore, and on behalf of the American Society of
Training & Development in Phoenix.
Dan served as a board member of Motorola Shanghai Paging
Products Co., Inc., and on the Motorola Ethics Boards in
China, Korea and Singapore. He was a guest lecturer at the
European Institute of Business Management (INSEAD) and Harvard
University on the Management of Expatriate Employees, as
well as for the Industrial Relations Institute in Seoul,
Korea, and the Japan Council on Aging in Tokyo.
Dan earned his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Notre
Dame and received his Masters in Business Administration
from Arizona State University. Professional and community
involvements have included serving on boards of civic, charitable
and professional organizations.
Co-author of the book Integrity Matters with James F. Bracher
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