Integrity Matters Broadcasts, 2006
October 11, 2006
Learning, Change and Growth
Dear Friends:
Learning is forever for those intending to stay vital,
purposeful and productive. Circumstances change but core
values do not. Leadership in business or in not-for-profits
is the same: success comes from continuous learning,
willingness to change and a desire for a lifetime of

Monterey, California, September 30, 2006. Jim Bracher
presents Ms. Lisa Smith, President, California
Medical Association Alliance (CMAA), with a
copy of Integrity Matters, prior
to addressing the CMAA Fall
Conference of regional leaders from throughout
California. Jim's subject: Viability
beyond Transition.
Viability beyond Transition - because
change is inevitable!
How can an organization continue to attract members
when its potential new member base is changing from almost
100% women to nearly 50% men? Such is the challenge
of CMAA as it faces changing medical
school demographics. The new generation of physicians
is 50% women. Traditional spouses of medical doctors
were women; hence the California Medical Association
Alliance (CMAA) was once almost 100% women. But,
no more! So, how will viability be sustained? Proactive
transition will find CMAA attracting
men to become active with CMAA, leveraging
their talents constructively to improve medical health
and strengthen the profession. And why will this
work? Answer: when women are driving the
recruiting and are responsible for the on-going viability
of an organization, family and beyond - they keep
the faith, hold fast to their vision and dream the ultimate
dream - success. Ten reasons why women
can be effective revolve around their acting
upon powerful operating principles -
- Think of others, often first, facilitating
communication with listening.
- Use "we" instead of "I" - especially
when describing success.
- Show appreciation for the work of others,
easily and often.
- Demonstrate respect for colleagues, avoiding "ego" shows
and showing off.
- Trust others and share credit, assuming they
have admirable motives.
- Accept differences of opinion and approach,
listening for constructive alternatives.
- Be willing to work outside and inside the
home -producing revenue and a safe-haven.
- Reach out and assist others, graciously,
keeping the team moving forward.
- Seek to find common ground; resolving and
not escalating routine conflict.
- Keep
their leadership wake smaller, not disrupting the
efforts of others.
Organizations that grow successfully depend
upon Ambassadors, first-class partners with prestige,
position and impact. Being part of an auxiliary
or an alliance is a stepping stone to the full partnership
of ambassador.
Ambassadors tell the story and inspire prospects
- Information
- Relationships
- Communication
- Trust
- Influence
- Power
- Productivity
- Cash-flow
Savvy leaders of purposeful and successful organizations
take the time to:
- Write the organization's epitaph or
memorial statement - individually and collectively.
- Epitaph-writing can begin with these words: "It
can be said by those who knew me or my organization
best." Insert the name of organization or individual - (and
then begins the work). How do you want to be
remembered, personally and organizationally?
- If you are willing to articulate how you
and your organization want to be remembered, then make
sure your actions are in accordance with your principles,
building and sustaining the reputation you desire.
The leader's job - is clear:
- Clarify
- Codify
- Communicate
- Educate
- Support
- Measure
- Monitor
- Recognize
- Prepare
Over and over, the lessons remain the same:
integrity matters.
PRODUCTIVITY - conduct the following four-dimensional
audit of you, your team and your organization.
When individuals:
- Understand the required skill sets
to make their team productive,
- Are valued by and bring value to
the organization,
- Are committed to the vision, mission
and strategy, and
- Are signed-on to the organization's
supported behavior and culture,
Then no issue can polarize the group or create
destructive behaviors.
When you and members of your organization are able to
say yes to these four effectiveness
criteria, then the team has the strength and mutual support
to succeed. These four performance and relationship
topics get to the core of individual and organizational
On the subject of leadership and productivity
to facilitate learning, change and growth:
Consider Attending an Education Workshop on
Election Day
MBA Impact: Insights - Finance and Human Resources
Learn principles and applications to more effectively
and efficiently interpret and integrate the complementary
and interdependent disciplines of finance and human resources.
Tuesday, November 7 at Tehama Golf Club.
Our upcoming one-day workshop entitled: MBA
Impact: Insights - Finance and Human Resources
Learn more and register for November 7