Question: (E-201)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on August 31, 2005
Sports striking out on drug abuse
The corruption in sports, by drug abusers, seems now to have been papered over
with sealed evidence. Looks like those in the legal system, who dropped 40 of
42 charges about steroids, have placed their heads in the sand. What are your
Chances are pretty good that some small number of individuals will be paraded
in front of the public as "bad examples" and they will take the
heat for years of violations of many who will never be charged. Cheating will
have been allowed, by the ticket-selling owners and the players' organizations.
Record books will have not reconciled the hypocrisy and sleaze of tainted athletes
who profited from "chemically-enhanced" performances. Fans flocked
to record-smashing, eating and drinking heavily in the modern-day coliseum.
The "juiced" balls, bats and muscles
that created sensational games are simply a reflection
of the public's demands. For the immediate gratification
of those who demand superhuman feats, individuals risked
their lives. Some died. These life-threatening and
culture-numbing performance-enhancing drugs are not
unique to sports. Society has jumped on board.
Many today are hooked on the "drug-of-constant-activity" --
filling every moment with stimulation created by noise,
color, data, interactions and fantasy. Volume replaces
logic in conversations. Fancy packaging conceals lack
of quality and preparedness. The amount of information,
including commercials and pop-ups, blasted at individuals,
numbs senses regarding priorities and perspective.
So, is it any wonder that sports fans expect a three-ring
circus to surround sporting events?
Aspiring athletes know the difference between being
selected and missing the cut can mean the difference
between new-found riches and a return to the poverty
of their youth. They want to perform well and they
need to; but not at any cost. Many young athletes squandered
their educational opportunities, to play for the institution
that paid for their time, only to be returned to the
dead-end lives they knew before their four or five
years of collegiate competition.
Leadership is needed now. Congressional investigations
along with the various institutions involved, must
hold all parties 100% responsible. Owners and players
are locked in an economic tug-of-war that will destroy
fair competition and the health of a whole generation
that chooses to play the "drug" game.
All sports stakeholders can help to improve sports
- Fans, be clear: drinking more decaffeinated coffee
will not solve this problem. Set realistic performance
standards and show respect for honest and clean competition.
- Owners, stop giving frenetic and irresponsible
fans what they demand. Drug-induced performance is
a zero-sum game. Everyone loses.
- Players associations, think longer term: protect
our gifted athletes.
- Higher education: it is time to be clear on the
purpose of sport and the role of academic institutions.
Question: (E-202)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on August 17, 2005
"Too many lazy board members"
How can a column on integrity sustain
itself for four years?
Individuals and organizations create the need to emphasize the obvious. "I
feel like a doctor in the middle of a measles epidemic." No, it is more
serious than that. "I feel more like a one-armed paper hanger with hives." Open
up any newspaper or simply listen to the news. Rascals are rampant and integrity
is missing.
Not-so-tongue-in-cheek, writing for the New York
Times, Floyd Norris, on Friday, August 12, 2005, says
that "inept boards need have no fear" - at
least, not yet. He cites Krispy Kreme, certainly a
company with a poorly performing board of directors,
even after approving an investigative committee to
assess its ineptitude, offers disappointing conclusions.
The special investigators state: "The board did
not oversee management's processes and decisions
with an appropriately skeptical eye; was far from exemplary;
[exhibited] a lack of timely, meaningful information;
and, did not forcefully seek more detailed and timely
reports from management." Even with this kind
of indictment, here is the conclusion: "There
is no basis to believe that any outside director did
anything that he or she 'knew or believed' was
clearly in conflict with the best interests of the
corporation or approved a transaction from which he
or she received an improper personal benefit." Such
a low standard is all the law requires, the committee
Should such low standards be acceptable, then lazy
and careless directors, according to Norris, have little
to fear.
Unless or until organizations are willing to regulate
themselves, governments will. Another of my sources
of information reports that fewer talented individuals
are eager, or even willing, to serve on boards of directors.
Financial liability is the issue. Strong, well-educated
and experienced professionals do not need to be subjected
to the risks related to shareholder lawsuits. Pressures
have become incredible for individual members of boards
to make certain that their organizations are meeting
ever-growing and more complicated compliance standards.
Trust and integrity are at the heart of the issue.
And, what has been reported at Krispy Kreme and other
firms lowers confidence in boards of directors who
purpose is to protect shareholders and stakeholders.
The dilemma is clear. Lazy folks, who want to be
on boards, are not protecting corporate assets; ignoring
their fiduciary responsibilities. Competent individuals
are reluctant to accept board appointment and face
an ever more hostile public that has reasons to believe
that all too many in high places are behaving irresponsibly.
Most board members are doing their jobs effectively or
they set themselves up to receive media attention. Irresponsible
board members erode trust in capitalist markets that
underpin our society, forcing regulators to add more
rules. Integrity restores trust.
Question: (E-203)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on September 7, 2005
"Katrina shows dark side of human
Does the lawless behavior of New Orleans urban gangsters
mean that American society is one storm away from anarchy
and an even further loss of integrity?
Yes, it does. Looting and robbing are behaviors controlled by social constraints
and laws. Selfishness, cruelty, criminality and dishonesty are often referred
to as the "dark side" of human behavior; held in check, for most
people, by healthy and constructive interpersonal relationships along with
civil and criminal regulations. Penalties for criminality sustain stability.
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, gangsters are using
guns to plunder their communities, intimidating victims.
These are nasty people, but not that different from
felons who are rich and powerful corporate executives
convicted and sentenced for fraud and malfeasance.
High-ranking individuals from Andersen Consulting,
WorldCom, Enron and HEALTHSOUTH were found guilty of
unbridled greed-driven criminal behavior. They stole
money in broad daylight, using sophisticated accounting
practices. Society has serious integrity issues that
need to be addressed, soon: among the rich, the poor
and those in between.
The hideous actions of these thugs, preying upon
the helpless at their most vulnerable moments, have
been made clear by a responsible media. Anti-social
behavior cannot be tolerated or explained away. Firing
rifles at life-saving helicopters, attacking vehicles
transporting medical professionals to and from hospitals
and using the cloak of darkness to rape and murder
are indefensible actions. Tired and frightened, hundred
of thousands of hurricane and flood victims have no
lights, no communications, no water, no food, no police
and little hope. New Orleans urban vultures and others
in rural areas along the Mississippi and Alabama coast
have seized the moment to plunder. Viciousness must
be universally condemned, whether looting stores or
gouging citizens with outrageous profit-taking; whether
for food, water, medical supplies or gasoline. Bandits
come in many forms.
The Katrina Hurricane of August, 2005, reminds us
of the fragile line between dignified human behavior
and the violent life of the animal kingdom. Lions,
dogs, hawks, snakes, gorillas and sharks hunt for food
when they are hungry, must feed their young or protect
their turf. When humans are frightened, frantic, thirsty,
hungry, or abandoned, then anger and violence are likely
consequences. Dire circumstances provoke dramatic reactions.
Those who choose to profiteer in times of pain are
Before condemning the citizens of a city, state or region;
because a small percentage of people are adding to the
chaos, take the time to look carefully at the faces of
the victims. Listen to their stories. If you are able,
then offer assistance. Encourage prosecution of criminals.
Regardless, pray for the victims to manage their losses
and their health, enabling them to regain hope that integrity
is alive along with compassion.
Question: (E-204)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on September 28, 2005
"Prosecution of corporate criminals
offers hope"
With more and more convictions, including large fines
and prison sentences for corporate bigwigs, do you
see integrity on the upswing?
Not yet. However, the appearance of right behavior is definitely in the spotlight.
More convicted felons are being forced to pay for damages and serve jail sentences.
A few of those serving time have been quoted saying that they are sorry for
their irresponsible and criminal behaviors. Perhaps the motivation for these
public confessions is contriteness or simply good theater, bordering on social
and political correctness. Certainly, those who have prosecuted the "bad
folks" have been able to leverage their righteousness and law-supporting
actions into visible and powerful political platforms. Media coverage seems
to have assisted prosecutors seeking additional political power.
Photo opportunities are not lost on an often confused
public looking for the next Lone Ranger to save them
from outlaws. Out of the muck of these publicity-seeking
and self-serving "public servants" comes
improvement for society. Some bad apples are sent to
jail. Maybe this blast of "corrective behaviors" will
have a lasting effect. My realistic side says this
is the current fad that will lose steam, as it has
before, only to reappear when too many sleazy operators
are exposed. Rounding up the crooks and punishing a
few tends to assure many people that slick operators
have been taught a lesson and that they will change.
However, the history of human nature would challenge
such assumptions. 18th Century "land thieves" were
replaced in the 19th Century by "robber barons" who
are today's financial and legal wizards overseeing "pyramid
schemes" complete with stock manipulations, insider
trading and frivolous lawsuits.
Major corporations have paid hundreds of millions
of dollars in fines to the Securities and Exchange
Commission. These settlements have been in connection
with federal securities class action fraud suits and
state derivative suits. The latter two suits are all
about money, not rebuilding integrity, establishing
justice, but are about punishing wrongdoing.
In theory, at least, any monetary recovery in the
federal securities class action lawsuit should be divided
among the shareholders to recover personal investment
losses allegedly caused by the misleading disclosure.
All too often such awards enrich plaintiffs' attorneys
and very little is divided among the shareholders who
have been harmed by irresponsible and criminal corporate
officers. The shareholder derivative lawsuit, which
was a tool traditionally used to attack alleged insider
corruption or questionable corporate transactions,
now is routinely used as an alternative way to pursue
claims of misleading and dishonest disclosure. Financial
recovery, unfortunately, goes first to plaintiffs' attorneys
rather that the corporate treasury. In both cases,
the actual corporate wrongdoers, the officers of the
organizations often do not pay the fines; do not admit
to any wrong doing, allowing insurance companies pay
the judgments.
Such a process does not warm my heart very much.
It is common knowledge that the justice system, at
least in the United States, enables almost anyone to
file a lawsuit, sometimes irresponsibly, and settle,
out of court, allowing litigants simply to avoid the
hassle and the high costs of legal activities. Powerhouse
drug manufacturer, Merck, has announced that it will
pay hundreds of millions of dollars to the attorneys
and the plaintiffs, never acknowledging legal responsibility
(or moral accountability). How can that be good for
society? Such "legal and financial skating" will
not build trust between and among stakeholders in society.
A friend of mine has a clear and persuasive argument
regarding the importance of integrity. He has served
as a chief financial officer for several public and
private corporations. Most recently shortly after being
hired by a public company, he uncovered accounting
irregularities, promptly informing the Board of Directors' audit
committee and the firm's independent auditors.
The audit committee then retained special outside counsel
and an independent forensic accounting team to conduct
an internal investigation. The company self-reported
the internal investigation to the Securities and Exchange
Commission, based on the extensive investigation and
several senior officers of the company were terminated.
Immediately, the company adopted significant changes
in its accounting and internal control procedures.
Yes, one person can make a difference. He was and is
a whistle-blower. He knew that his actions would indict
his fellow executives and members of the board. He
persevered. Having stood up to isolation, resentment
and threats, he is living proof that sometimes it appears
that no good deed goes unpunished
Throughout the year-long ordeal, the whistle-blowing
chief financial officer maintained the highest level
of integrity. He was uncompromising in rooting out
the problems while adhering to his strong sense of
integrity and honesty. He challenged those in charge,
despite the fact that his own position was "on the line," all
the time. He wanted to "do the right thing" for
the shareholders, employees, and himself. He is the
only remaining senior corporate officer still with
the company. Obviously, integrity has won the day,
proving that justice can still prevail.
Question: (E-205)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on September 14, 2005
"Arrogance stems from fear, low self-esteem"
What causes people to be arrogant?
Entitlement, fear and low self-esteem are three causes of arrogance. Fortunate
birth circumstances are not self-made. Those who snobbishly live off of the
hard work, sacrifice and successes of previous generations come across, with
or without merit, as being entitled to privileged position, power and prestige.
Even sports fans, who wrap themselves in the victories of their teams, come
across as haughty, deserving admiration simply because "their team" posted
more victories than my team. The sports example is especially painful for me,
having been a life-long Chicago Cubs fan. The Cubs give me little reason to
gloat, boast and even bring up my team's name, except to fellow suffering "Wrigley
Field Warriors." Humility trumps haughtiness and discourages arrogance.
Fear of "being found out" regarding dark
secrets of incompetence, uncertainty and doubt drive
many to overcompensate. A wise mentor said: "the
most expensive thing that a man has, not a woman, is
his ego." Boys battle over toys, running speed
and brute strength. Such pursuits are costly, exhausting
and often dangerous. Women really are smarter and they
know it, which may explain why they live longer. Humiliating
others, picking fights to demonstrate prowess and being
stingy, especially when tipping service people, is
a window into a bitter soul. Those who are in "over
their heads" turn to bluster and bullying to
camouflage their fundamental feelings of inadequacy.
Another of my curmudgeon friends said to remember that your
ego is not your amigo.
Low self-esteem, blamed on mediocre parenting and humble
beginnings, has been over simplified by those who wish
to sidestep accountability. Having listened to dozens
indefensible justifications from those who lack confidence,
it is true, adults cannot abdicate responsibility for
how they feel and act. Clients seek input from our firm,
Dimension Five Consultants, to enhance their interpersonal
and organizational effectiveness. When challenged, by
us, to adjust certain counter-productive behaviors, some
choose to make excuses. Some were too tall and stood
out while others were too short and missed being recognized.
Too fat, too skinny, too poor, too rich, first child,
middle child, born in the city, reared in a small town,
English was a second language, English is the only language,
father left family, parents stayed in horrible marriage
and the list goes on. Sooner or later, adults must get
over it and move on. Life is filled with opportunities
for those who are willing to risk, reach out and grow.
Crutches are for the crippled, not the lazy. Being rude
is irresponsible. Condescension does not reflect
integrity, but graciousness does. Showing respect for
others, regardless of their economic, cultural or social
position, is the mark of maturity and civility.
Letter to the Editor, published November 8, 2005:
Ego deterrent to good business
I have read with interest the business column by
Jim Bracher and agree with much of what he says.
Ego is truly an impediment
for men and women. I'm not sure about the part where
it says women are smarter, because I have seen many
women who play the backstabbing game more viciously
than men. Maybe the problem is that these women have
tried to become "manly" in
adopting some of the more combative aspects of the
male character.
Back to my point. Ego is the
great destroyer of men and women and careers and
marriages and any other type of relationship. My
ego is pretty strong, but not to the point where
I will lie, cheat or do things that will harm others
personally or professionally. I have been told I
lack a killer instinct, and I thank God every night
that it is true. But where that limits me in the
dog-eat- dog world of business, it helps me in other
areas of life. If you can identify the "killers" and
weed them out of the organization, and get people to
play by the rules of human decency, the organization
would become more collaborative, more functional, more
communicative and more productive (although performance
issues are still performance issues, and need to be
addressed). This is so simple, yet so hard for people
to understand.
David Hubbard
Ogden, Utah
Question: (E-206)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on September 21, 2005
"Find a way to reach out to those
in need"
What is the right response to victims of disasters?
Political, economic, cultural and natural catastrophes shake the foundations
of our lives; creating powerful emotion-charged memories that last a life-time.
However, it is important to recognize when we are observing the pains of those
about us, it is incumbent that assistance, in a wide variety of forms, is offered.
The reaching out can be as personal as prayer or as public as sending money,
being available to listen or serve in ways to heal and restore safe places
to live.
The watercolor below, created by Ms.
Sally Smith, was inspired
by her reaction to 9/11/2001. Immediately
after the New York City terrorist attack, Sally was
unable to make contact with a member of her family,
a teacher whose classroom was very near to the Twin
Towers. Feeling helpless, like a "dinghy
adrift" - she painted until
she re-established contact and found, once again,
hope and confidence, the dependable mooring of family,
communication and hope.
Shortly after 9-11, my wife, Jane
and I visited Sally's gallery in Carmel, and
were moved by her story about when, how and why the
painting came into being. She said that when one does
not know what to do to help those closest to them,
or even if they are alive or dead, it feels like being
a small boat, without moorings, a dinghy adrift.
A few weeks later, she phoned us and paid us a very
special compliment, saying that she would be pleased
for her art work to hang in our offices. "Your
counsel was immensely helpful to my husband, and I
hope this image can be equally so as you continue with
your work." A little
while later, Sally presented us with her painting,
a visual reminder that each of us can be a source of
reassurance for those with whom we come in contact.
We can serve as a dependable mooring in a world that
sometimes appears to have simply gone mad.
So, how does one become a dependable mooring and
avoid becoming a dinghy adrift?
"You sometimes have to give before you get." Human
beings are responsible for "protecting those who
cannot protect themselves." Victims, anywhere around
the world, for any number of reasons, need caring people
to find be there for them, not just victims of hurricanes.
If you are able, then offer assistance. Pray for the
victims that they might manage their losses and their
health, enabling them to regain hope that integrity
is alive along with compassion. Become a dependable mooring for
those who are adrift. Traumatic events occur everywhere.
Being a resource to others is another way to exhibit
integrity. With apologies to the original writers: "do
unto others as they would have you do unto them."
Question: (E-207)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on November 2, 2005
"Your bumper sticker says a lot about
What are people saying about their values when they
place gross bumper stickers on their automobiles?
Everything we do communicates! Intentionally advertising who one is or what
one stands for on a crude or callous bumper sticker can be short-sighted, naïve,
even counter-productive. Case in point, the message on the back of a large
sports utility vehicle: MOM'S TAXI: Get in. Sit Down. Shut Up.
Hold On. By itself, this message suggests no conflict. "Mom's
taxi" operates on her terms, so with no pun intended, it is Mom's
way or the highway! However, just to the left of Mom's license plate
was a large chrome symbol, the outline of a fish, announcing that the owner-driver
was a "public" proponent of Christianity. The driver-owner of this
vehicle must not have seen inconsistency between the phrase "shut up" and
spiritual values that encourage thoughtfulness, encouragement, compassion and
graciousness. Even what appears to be light-hearted humor communicates; sometimes
more than might have been intended. After all, do spiritually-grounded people
tell others to shut up? So, how effectively is this "mom" exhibiting
congruence between what she says about her personal spiritual values and what
she does when driving her vehicle? Is this cute or sad?
Beyond bumper stickers, think about the images and
messages we present to the world. How we dress, speak,
stand, sit and walk - each communicates our openness,
confidence, including perceived competence. Humans
are a living and breathing bulletin board, announcing
who they are and how they operate to anyone who sees,
smells, touches or hears them. Words used, gossip repeated,
jokes told, slurs uttered and certainly actions taken
are windows into individual human souls.
Growing up in our family meant that we heard, repeatedly,
certain behavior-influencing themes. Though they were
longer than bumper stickers, when their wisdom didn't
stick, we risked getting a bump. Examples:
- You will be known by your associates,
so pick top quality friends;
- Smile, because you wouldn't want
your face to freeze in a frown;
- Say nothing if you cannot say something
- Work harder; when you can't work
- Arrive early so others won't have
to wait for you;
- Tell the truth, because it is the right
thing to do and is easier to remember than a lie;
- Never trust those who expect you to compromise
your values.
Congruence between what we say and what we do is
important because it reflects our integrity. Living
up to integrity-centered behavior standards is hard
work. What bumper sticker is worthy of your reputation?
Remove those that fall short.
For the record, writing this column was a helpful
reminder, for me, and a challenge to do better.
Question: (E-208)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on October 12, 2005
"Red tape clogs the construction
Why are there so many government agencies and red
tape associated with building, almost anything?
Integrity; or the lack thereof, seems to explain the increasing number of
regulations established to monitor the construction industry. The log-jam of
our court system is related to the gigantic number of lawsuits arising from
conflicts between those in the construction trades and their clients; many
of whom become ex-clients. Misunderstandings are not the same as misrepresentations.
Delays are different from deliberate slow downs. Incompetence and construction
sloppiness risk lives, waste time and money and, when not addressed forthrightly,
destroy trust, encouraging litigation. Politicians and civil servants, in en
effort to control violators, feel pressure to refine and extend regulations,
sometimes damaging the free market upon which it depends.
Given the ever-increasing size of the construction
industry, it is not surprising that rules and regulations
have been compounding, increasing the workload of civil
servants. Monitoring construction is a critical government
responsibility because it involves protecting society
and keeping it healthy and safe.
When plumbing does not work because of faulty equipment
and/or incompetent installation, and is not rectified
in a timely manner, what satisfactory recourse does
the customer have but to turn to the government? When
property owners are willing to exceed standards that
have been properly established, what choices do frustrated
neighbors have but to seek legal sanctions? Unfortunately,
the 6% - those who cause the majority of the problems - make
life tough on everyone. Pieces of wood that should
match and don't are painted to hide a problem,
creating a fraud. Structural errors, that might later
cause deaths to those crushed by falling beams, are
masked in name of coming in on time and within budget.
And the list goes on. Government employees realistically
assume the worst, and police the entire construction
process from planning to final approval. The temptation
is real and attractive for public servants to overuse
their authority by creating extensions of policy, further
complicating the processes. Then, when these same agencies
discover they were yet again conned by the cunning,
they redouble their efforts to control the situation;
creating an ever-widening circle of stifling red-tape.
Predictably, sincere and dedicated government bureaucrats
cause the "building regulations" gauntlet
to become increasingly frustrating and unpleasant.
However, there is a rock-solid solution: integrity-centered
behavior. It should be common knowledge that free markets,
including the construction industry, must operate with
integrity, a culture of compliance, or face increasing
government oversight. However, legitimate oversight
is not license for abuse by government agencies. A
free-market economy prospers, even better, with integrity-centered
partnerships, across the board; fostering honest communication;
building trust. Self-regulation and a binding verbal-handshake
trump cumbersome laws and costly penalties.
Question: (E-209)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on October 26, 2005
"Integrity takes on a spiritual value"
Is integrity a politically-correct subject?
Not yet. Integrity, like religion, is cumbersome topic in certain social
situations. Of interest to many, integrity, like spiritual values, commands
consistent follow-though by a much smaller number. However, those who live
integrity-centered lives think seriously about the behavioral consequences
of their core values. Core values are those beliefs considered non-negotiable,
shaping operating behaviors, and are unshakable. Integrity-centered individuals
formulate constructive principles to guide their actions toward consistency;
thus predictability.
Responding to the following twelve statements can
help clarify what you believe, pinpointing appropriate
ways for you to operate, personally and professionally.
Understanding what one believes, about social interactions,
informs actions, leveraging principles of integrity.
- We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
- We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
- We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
- We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
- We have neglected to discipline our children and
called it building self-esteem.
- We have abused power and called it politics.
- We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and
called it ambition.
- We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography
and called it freedom of expression.
- We have ridiculed the time-honored values of the
courageous and wise, those who framed our binding
institutions, calling it enlightenment.
- We have overcompensated on behalf of the next
generation, to smooth their paths, and make it a lot
easier for them; asking ourselves and others why
they are weak, lack self-confidence and come across
as uncommitted.
- We support a society that builds people up only
to tear them down; losing along the way a culture
that encourages, teaches, nurtures, forgives and
moves forward.
- Seven deadly social sins to be avoided: Wealth
without work; Pleasure without conscience; Knowledge
without character; Commerce without morality; Science
without humanity; Worship without sacrifice; and,
Politics without principle.
Because integrity appears to be the only common-sense
solution for a society in need of renewal, it must
become the norm, emerging as politically, socially
and economically appropriate and correct, at all times.
Recent catastrophes confirm the need for integrity-centered
leadership. Whether terrorist-driven or caused by nature,
responsive, competent and integrity-centered leadership
is essential. Tidal waves, hurricanes or floods hit
society in many ways, from Wall Street to Main Street,
more often appearing as price-gouging, patronage, partisanship,
perversion and plunder. From the corridors of power
to the powerful corridors we walk every day, our words
and our deeds are the glue that holds society together
or destroys it. Modeling integrity is everyone's
responsibility. Our children and grandchildren are
looking to us for constructive, integrity-centered
leadership, and never before have they needed it more.
Question: (E-210)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on October 19, 2005
"Rape, murder rate worst for a lack
of integrity"
Where do you place rape in your lack-of-integrity
Rape is the worst, right next to murder. In a world too often uncomfortable
distinguishing between right and wrong, despicable actions like rape and murder
must be condemned and stopped. Very few actions defy all rules of civilized
behavior, but rape is one of them. Rape, sexual violence against another human,
is carried out by individuals with a personality disorder marked by antisocial
behavior, leaving victims scarred for life.
Rapists crave power, viciously dominating victims
to satisfy their depraved sexual-gratification desires.
When innocent children are violated, the awful becomes
the unthinkable. When antisocial and illegal behaviors
are ignored or simply tolerated, even while being superficially
condemned by those in authority, society suffers. The
tolerance for sexual abuse contaminates humanity.
Is a married male who rapes a young female any less
or more criminally liable than a gay who violates a
person of the same sex? Sexual violation of another
person is not a life-style preference issue; it is
a legal matter; raising questions about integrity,
morality, respect and the judicial system that must
prosecute it. Conducting "witch-hunts" may
be a convenient and "politically-correct" response
to sexual abuse; however, "life-style" litmus
tests will not take the place of rigorous and uncompromising
policing of sexual violence. Persecuting scapegoats
is not delivering justice.
Can integrity-centered human beings condone the behavior
of those who use their position to sexually violate
others? Modern society protects wetlands from violence.
Should boys and girls, or adults, be provided lesser
levels of care? Animals, trees, oceans, streams, public
facilities and air travel are protected from smoke,
fire, alcohol, and the pollution of loud noise and
pornography. The crime of rape must be condemned and
Responsible individuals offer integrity-centered
answers to these four questions:
- Who can justify looking the other way when convicted
rapists are not confined and monitored?
- What kinds of leaders tolerate inquisition-like
interviews about life-style preference, further clouding
the issue of criminal behavior, while avoiding the
legitimate dialogue about social and interpersonal
- How civilized is a society that has, for too long,
challenged rape victims themselves, as perpetrators
of the crime, when they find the courage to confront
- When will rape victims be praised for seeking
justice by dragging "closet socio-paths" into
Where will you stand when asked to support those who
would end rape, everywhere, forever? Perhaps rapists
should be spotlighted and brought to justice in ways
similar to those being used by media giant, Ms. Oprah
Winfrey. Her personal and professional mission is to
protect society from child molesters, legally and permanently.
Learn from her and take action, now. Integrity Matters.
Question: (E-211)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on December 7, 2005
"Oil firms face questions for high
gas prices"
Do you think the recent outlandish gasoline prices
reflect integrity in the oil business? What is legitimate
Price-gouging is destructive. Legitimate profit is what responsible business
people and their honest customers determine is a fair price. Integrity-centered
buyers and sellers are willing to protect the longer-term viability of the
other. Either too much or too little profit causes hardships. Preying upon
those who find themselves in harm's way is wrong. Medical service providers
would not raise prices during an epidemic. Society would never stand for that.
Supply and demand explanations about high-priced fuels are followed by the
blame game, otherwise known as "we are victims too" with the fault
lying at the feet of those in the Middle East who control prices. A good number
of Americans are hopping mad about the high fuel costs and have demanded the
oil companies be investigated after their industry-wide recent quarterly reports
of incredible profit-taking.
The Congress of the United States has begun hearings
regarding the recent price run-ups and will determine
who is guilty of what. Tens of millions of drivers
concluded that the oil barons wanted to charge "whatever
the market would bear" - and they did.
Powerful people, sitting in lofty places, were reporting
tremendous profits, creating burdensome fuel costs
for the masses. One of the phrases emphasizing the
integrity-centered leadership message of the Bracher
Center for Integrity in Leadership: It should
be common knowledge that free markets must operate
with integrity, a culture of compliance, or face increasing
government oversight.
According to MSNBC News Services, as early as September
22, 2005, "The United States Federal Trade Commission
is investigating whether gasoline price profiteering
has occurred and [whether or not] oil companies have
constrained refinery capacity to manipulate fuel prices." Trust
and respect are essential for commerce to flourish
with minimal regulations. The issue with big oil is
about price and integrity.
Just after Hurricane Katrina devastated parts of
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, The Shreveport
(Louisiana) Times, September 5, 2005, reported: Gas
panic feeds price gouging (Stay calm, report unscrupulous
merchants). " Business is business,
but with Louisiana in a state of emergency from Hurricane
Katrina, gasoline price gouging isn't just illegal,
it's unconscionable. Gas stations are entitled to a
reasonable profit. As wholesale prices rise, the cost
has to be passed along to the motorist. . . . But in
one case prices had jumped past $4 overnight. In other
instances, prices were rising several times within
one day."
The Attorney General of each state welcomes complaints
about price-gouging, of any kind, and now, especially
fuel. Please report crooked treatment, immediately, because
integrity is the foundation for legitimate profits and
a healthy business climate.
Question: (E-212)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on November 30, 2005
"Measure V, Rally Salinas defeat
What are your thoughts about Rally Salinas and Measure
V (raising taxes to sustain city services, including
extending recently shortened library hours)?
Salinas received negative press, locally, nationally and internationally
when libraries were closed. The criticism heaped upon the leadership of the
City of Salinas was embarrassing; not so much because it happened with reference
to closing libraries; but it seemed to strike a self-righteous chord among
those outside the community who did not appreciate the budget issues pressuring
local districts, like Salinas. The negativity of the coverage spread like wildfire.
Civil discourse was displaced by angry harangues, too often sounding like self-serving
campaigns unappreciative of the courage required by leaders facing brutal budget
crunch challenges.
How effectively the leaders of the City of Salinas
went about assessing the budget shortfall and choosing
a path forward to address it - those are discussions
for politicians and pundits. Who knew what and when
and how the problems were successfully resolved - that
too is for others to critique. Often, when state governments
retain tax dollars that were previously earmarked for
local jurisdictions, including cities, the pain is
most evident toward the bottom of the revenue food
chain: county and city governments. Mayor Anna Caballero
made that point frequently.
However, after the election held on November 8, 2005,
this is what can be known. The City of Salinas can
celebrate because it was able to avert a long-term
crisis in public services.
Sacrifices were made by many during the cut-backs
as members of the community pitched in with the sweat-equity
of dedicated volunteers.
Forthright communication replaced counter-productive
rhetoric and dollars were raised, funding a portion
of the deficit while simultaneously clarifying and
communicating a constructive message of hope.
Courageous decisions were made along the way and
a revenue-producing measure was embraced by 61% of
the voters.
Salinas' leadership, in addition to the Mayor and
the City Council, attracted community-wide loyalty, justifying
tremendous pride in Salinas. In comparing the Bracher
Center's Eight Attributes of an Integrity
Centered Organization - it is easy to
see how the charitable spirit of the Salinas community
permeated the process. Hundreds of thousands of dollars
were raised through Rally Salinas, funding
the shortfall, and renewing civic pride while expanding
social awareness. Partnerships between and among the
rich and the not-so-rich caused a groundswell of single-mindedness. Rally
Salinas challenged those beyond local borders
to understand that Salinas did care about its libraries
and other human services. The louder the media's
voices of condemnation and ridicule, the more firmly
heels "dug in" to confirm the integrity and
the generous community stewardship of Salinas. Pride "rallied
Salinas" and Measure V confirmed that integrity and
Salinas won big, again.
Question: (E-213)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on November 23, 2005
"Owens' big ego cost him dearly"
Terrell Owens' self-destructive behavior got
him removed from the Philadelphia Eagles football team
where he was being paid millions of dollars. Is he
off his rocker?
Whether or not Terrell Owens is off his rocker, one thing is for sure, he
has been tossed from his locker, at least in Philadelphia. What a pathetic
misuse of talent. Even so, his meltdown provides another occasion to learn
about integrity-centered behavior. What did he do that was so wrong? He treated
those around him shabbily.
Will Rogers often prefaced his remarks with: "I
only know what I have read in the newspaper." Were
he living today, he might add: "...or heard
on the radio or saw on television." What I know
about Terrell Owens - T.O. - is primarily
from television and printed stories where he appears
with a large number of dramatic contradictions. He
is talented and immature; rich and foolish; and, always
very full of himself; becoming his own worst enemy.
His ego has cost him dearly in tainted reputation and
squandered opportunities.
Ron Borges, of the Boston Globe, wrote: "The
Eagles' mistake was that they thought Owens would
be grateful...that...they'd saved
him from a quarterback-less exile with the Baltimore
Ravens and [he would] be thankful for their
help. Terrell Owens does not see the world as a place
where people give him a helping hand toward success.
He sees it as a place he dominates by talent and
a willfulness that has finally gotten him into some
very hot water."
According to one of our successful business clients, when
irritation factors outweigh performance - for
any variety of reasons, change is inevitable. Terrell
Owens ego appears out of control. He offended his
company's leadership. He lost his place on
his team; possibly ending a promising career. Unfortunately,
he is neither the first nor last fool with talent.
Barry Gadbois, in The Desert Dispatch, writes: "Terrell
Owens has an athletic gift so amazing that people who
live from one paycheck to the next will actually dole
out money to see him perform. He was set for life -
rich beyond most people's dreams - and riding a bullet
train to the Hall of Fame. Terrell Owens held a huge
lottery ticket, and the only thing that kept him from
cashing it in was his lack of basic people skills.
Those with talent, including money, power, ability
and opportunity must:
- Show genuine appreciation for God-given talent
and opportunity.
- Respect and support colleagues.
- Honor rules of engagement.
- Share the spotlight, graciously.
- Model integrity-centered behavior.
Or, risk losing it all.
Question: (E-214)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on December 21, 2005
"Internet requires vigilance by parents"
Sexual predators are one internet keystroke from making
contact with our children. These criminals can destroy
lives, harming entire families. School vacations mean
more time for children to be on the web, alone, and
at risk. What can be done?
Understand the risks: According to
Chris Hansen, correspondent for NBC News, November
10, 2005: "In any home where there are young
people with computers, there are parents with concerns.
Teenagers can spend hours chatting online, but who
are they chatting with? On the other end of that instant
message could be a complete stranger - or a sexual
predator. It's a dangerous side of the Internet, one
that's growing and many children are at risk. This
past spring, a New York City policeman, a youth officer,
was also caught attempting to meet a child online for
sex. He pleaded guilty and agreed to serve six months
in prison. Law enforcement officials estimate that
50,000 predators are online at any given moment. Michele
Collins of the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children says that "One in five young people has
been sexually solicited," Her organization launched
an ad campaign aimed at educating teens about this
crime. "The message that really got home to the
teenage girl was that if you're in an online
relationship, there's a good chance you might
be getting played."
How should 77 million computer-savvy children,
who are online today, be protected?
- Stay close to your children using the
internet. Televisions have "blocking
keys" - but cell phones and computers
lack governing mechanisms and are able to run wild
- with tastelessness, filth and perversion - directly
into the eyes, minds and lives of children.
- Exercise parental controls, including installing internet blocking software,
preventing a child from giving out personal information.
If something feels wrong, then check it out.
- Keep communication lines open.
When something "unsettling" happens online,
responsible adults offer assistance. Predatory activities
include: sexual solicitation or the sending of sexually
explicit images by someone who knows that the child
is under the age of 18; or the receiving of child
pornography, by anyone in the household. The FBI
cautions that if one of these scenarios occurs, keep
the computer turned off in order to preserve any
evidence for future law-enforcement use. Unless
directed to do so by the law-enforcement agency,
you should not attempt to copy any of the images
and/or text found on the computer. Internet crime
is a crime like any other and should be reported
to the proper local, state, or federal authorities.
If your child has been a victim of pornography, sexual
predation, spam, Internet fraud, or harassment, don't
take matters into your own hands. Let the proper
agencies handle the situation.
- Take immediate action: contact
local law-enforcement. Use the CyberTipline at (1-800-843-5678),
which is managed by the National Center for Missing
and Exploited Children which has representatives
from the FBI, the U.S. Customs Service, and the U.S.
Postal Inspection Service at its headquarters.
- Balance concerns about exposure
to inappropriate and harmful Internet involvement
against the benefits gained from the constructive
gateways it provides.
Integrity-centered parental leadership, including active
and informed involvement, is the key. Bold and supportive
parents will bring internet predators to justice.
Question: (E-215)
"Golf Professionals and Leadership"
By: James F. Bracher December
31, 2005
Can a golf-pro teach a CEO something about running
a company successfully? The answer may surprise you.
Successful golf professionals not only play well
but also relate maturely with many different people,
maintaining commitments to the highest principles of
golf. They perform excellently, while simultaneously
managing others productively. They teach students of
all ages constructively and communicate effectively;
while simultaneously mastering their own emotional
reactions, intellectual and strategic challenges and
performance demands. Playing consistently at or below
par defines the scratch golfer, but not necessarily
a golf professional. Those at the top of the game can
teach more than driving, chipping and putting. They
are master leaders as well.
First, they understand and model the behaviors required
to play golf at a consistently high level. They are
golf professionals because they are able to:
- Control emotions, including anxiety and tension,
quieting the mind
- Stay in the moment, concentrating - leaving
bad shots behind
- Assess circumstances continuously, both opportunities
and risks
- Concentrate, relying on individual routine throughout
- Stick with decisions, visualizing and executing
without uncertainty or fear
- Maintain confidence and rhythm; sustaining balance
and calm
- Remember to see, feel and hit the ball - with
confidence and intensity
- Acknowledge that performance at this level has
already qualified those who have the talent and
discipline to perform, consistently, at the highest
levels. At the professional level, it is foremost
about attitude - monitoring and controlling
emotions; and, of course, keeping score with integrity.
Second, as managers working with and through others,
like other executives, golf professionals exhibit these
seven "best-in -class" inspiring leadership
behaviors. They elect to be the role model for what
is expected from others - all the time; establish
goals with clear parameters that encourage innovation,
risk and experimentation, leveraging original ideas
and creativity. Productive professionals clarify accountabilities,
measuring frequently and consistently; reward appropriately
for high levels of performance and innovation; and,
teach constantly. Leaders replace those, in timely
ways, who are unwilling or unable to "be" partners
and supporters of high-level client-centered service
culture. Golf professionals embrace the entrepreneurial
approach with optimism, seeing obstacles as opportunities,
with a clear focus on providing goods and services
that generate legitimate profits.
You are now halfway through this essay about Golf
Professionals and Leadership. Have
you discovered many differences between effective
golf leadership and general management? The answer
is probably no. Ancient Wisdom teaches that "Knowing
others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true
wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering
yourself is true power." Golf professionals
and effective executives master themselves first
before presuming to manage others. So what two
additional insights might be learned by observing
competent golf professionals?
Third, successful golf professionals are also teachers.
Like effective executives, they transfer performance
excellence to students or colleagues, of all ages,
all the time. They know that teaching with impact involves
asking the right questions, after having made, and
then confirmed, perceptive observations. Golf professionals
and other effective leaders make every effort to incorporate
these six constructive actions into their daily interactions.
They determine the development objectives of the student
- assessing physical ability, strength, coordination
and capacity; and, evaluate client expectations against
current assets - confirming reasonable goals,
while setting legitimate improvement milestones that
a professional can justify.
Leaders know how to utilize client-specific tools
and processes that accelerate learning - always leveraging
the uniqueness of each instructor's assets, both
intellectual and athletic. These tools may include:
video equipment and data to confirm developmental needs,
training aids and golf-swing improvement exercises,
varied environments - practice facilities versus
on-course play and coaching, and always, keeping records
to monitor progress.
Golf professionals and executives make sure clients
receive what they want as well as what they need; and,
they create improvement plan, with milestones, with
recovery steps when objectives are not met.
Fourth, and finally, successful golf professionals
communicate competencies, capacities and values. They
know that communications effectiveness
is almost always about congruence between what one
says and how one operates. Once again it is about balancing
and integrating the demands of the emotional, intellectual
and physical. Communicating is about feeling the message,
understanding the requirements of the listening audience
and then doing the real work of choosing relationship-building
words and presenting them in transforming ways. Both
the golf professional and the successful executive
know their own strengths and weaknesses and are open
about them. Since others observe us anyway, and generally
have a good sense for where we are, then why not save
the stress caused by denial, and simply be more transparent?
Effective communicators ask for assistance, graciously,
and are prepared to provide an elevator speech to anyone,
at almost any time, which needs to be about 30 seconds
in length, that defines the skills and services for
which one is paid. Concise introductions are good marketing.
They are also excellent methods to lead others toward
developing roles and responsibilities that will support
the lead function, streamlining and strengthening teamwork,
productivity and profitability. In addition, talented
professionals recognize that the leader is seldom,
if ever, off duty and as a consequence, being the role
model is likely to be the most effective way to communicate
who one is, what can be provided, and how well those
tasks will be performed. As a consequence they continuously
refine verbal and non-verbal communication skills,
as the demands and expectations continue to rise throughout
careers. For the golf professional or corporate leader,
the key to success is continuous learning, whether
as performer, manager, teacher or communicator. Listening
is essential.
In conclusion, leadership requirements are the same for
the golf professional, corporate executive, parent, surgeon,
teacher, religious leader, farmer, politician, attorney,
gardener or technologist. Professionals always do the
job with excellence, helping others learn while consistently
communicating with sensitivity and graciousness. Leadership,
just about everywhere, is about competence, courage and
communication. It begins and ends with listening and,
always, with integrity.
James F. Bracher

Jim Bracher, the architect
for the renewal of integrity-centered leadership,
created the Bracher Center for Integrity in Leadership in
2002, as an extension of his 33 years advising individuals
and organizations. Those who have sought Jim's counsel
include entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and individuals
addressing succession concerns. Jim's leadership development
firm Dimension Five Consultants, Inc., of which he is
Founder and Chairman, is located in Monterey, California,
and was established in 1980. Co-author of the book Integrity
Matters with Daniel E. Halloran, 2004.
Question: (E-216)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on December 28, 2005
"Appearance matters in ethics of
public officials"
What should a public official do when faced with
conflict-of-interest issues, specifically when decisions
require voting that might benefit friends or business
associates? Do you believe that integrity-centered
leaders ought to recuse themselves in such circumstances?
Elected officials should recuse themselves and avoid conflicts-o-interest.
They ask that others invest in them with time, support, energy, dollars and
votes. We expect them to operate with integrity. Along with "public servants" who
are appointed versus being elected, they all want and need our trust and confidence
to retain their credibility. Our public officials are expected, and rightly
so, to look out for our interests and not be self-serving marauders who feather
their own nests, winking at rules instead of following the law. Fortunately,
a majority of those who serve the public do just that - consistently
work for the improvement of society, locally and at the state and national
With reference to the integrity issue of public servants
knowing the law of when and how to recuse themselves
- there are five points that will clarify legitimate
reasons to recuse.
- The law is clear about what is legal and appropriate
regarding who should recuse themselves and how their
potential conflicts ought to be communicated. Attorneys
whose expertise lies in this field ought to be consulted.
Those who face these conflicts would be well advised
to learn and follow the counsel of those who know
the law.
- Clearly, when to "recuse" is a legal
question. Long-term thinkers, in both the public
and the private sectors, follow the law. The dictionary
is specific about the meaning of recuse: "challenge
a judge, prosecutor or juror as unqualified to perform
legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest
or lack of impartiality."
- Anyone in a position to cast votes - an elected
official granting contracts to those with whom he
or she might have a vested interest would appear
to be wrong - legally, and, certainly with
reference to integrity-centered leadership.
- A retired judge mentioned to me that there are
two aspects to judgments rendered by judges: one
is to be sure to make the right decision; and, two
is to be certain that the right decision also appears
to have been the right decision.
- Public servants are responsible for making appropriate
decisions, including when and if to recuse themselves.
Decisions to recuse should be based upon the same
two-dimensional criteria described by the retired
judge. One, avoid conflicts-of-interest; and, two,
be sure to make it clear that any perception of conflicts-of-interest
have been addressed, proactively, upfront and openly.
Integrity-centered leaders operate with openness,
which is defined as operational transparency because
they know that integrity matters.
Question: (E-217)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on December 14, 2005
"Warnings on Williams backfired"
Was integrity lost when Mr. Stanley "Tookie" Williams
was put to death at San Quentin Prison, in the early
morning, on Tuesday, December 13, 2005?
No, integrity was not lost but another life was. In Mr. Williams' two
courts of last resort, the Ninth United States Circuit Court of Appeals and
the United States Supreme Court, his final pleas for a reprieve were turned
down. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger then denied clemency; ending
his life shortly after midnight.
According to Governor Schwarzenegger, "The
facts do not justify overturning the jury's verdict
or the decisions of the courts in this case." As
a consequence, his sentence of receiving capital punishment,
being put to death for his crimes, was carried out
and Mr. Williams is now dead.
The four murders happened in the early 1970's
and Mr. Williams, having been convicted of these violent
crimes, in 1973, began serving his death-sentence that
finally ended 22 years later. Along the way, he renounced
his gang-violence ways and wrote books aimed at children
concerning the risks to young people who choose similar
self-destructive paths. His ability to communicate
effectively attracted admirers who later rallied around
him. They wrote letters to those in authority demanding
that he be saved from his death-sentence. Some communicated
through the media, protesting his conviction and then
suggesting - perhaps threatening - that
if Mr. Williams suffered death at the hands of the
legal system then retribution was a likely consequence.
These threats, real or not, offered by those who wanted
so very much to protect him, may have provided the
fuel for the fire that ultimately consumed him.
The justice system of the United States is not perfect;
nonetheless, it is still admired all over the world.
Those who expect decisions to be changed in response
to threats of violence - real or perceived-- undermine
justice and the ability of officials to govern. Can
any value-driven and sustainable system continue to
function with legitimate credibility - or integrity
-- when the loudest and most visible voices can undue
what those with legal authority have set in motion?
Movie celebrities, power brokers, and those with connections
reaching across many socio-economic circles wanted
to make supportive statements. However, when their
frustration and anger turned to threats of violence
against the very system that sustains society, then
what options were left to those responsible for maintaining
the integrity of the justice system? Placed in this "corner" -
the integrity of the process had to be protected.
Question: (E-218)
"Threats, strikes and the breakdown
of trust in America"
What might the execution of Tookie Williams in California
teach transit strikers in New York? And, will they
learn in time?
A Death in California
A few weeks ago, friends and fans of Stanley "Tookie" Williams,
founder of the Crips, a violent gang, attempted to
prolong his life, threatening retaliation were he not
to receive clemency. In Williams' two courts of last
resort, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and
the U.S. Supreme Court, his final pleas for a reprieve
were turned down. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
then denied clemency, leading to the end of his life
at 12:35 a.m., Tuesday, December 13, 2005. Real or
not, these warnings from those who wanted so very much
to protect him may actually have provided the fuel
for the fire that ultimately consumed him. There was
some discussion that had he confessed and been contrite,
that compassion might have been shown.
The justice system of the United States is not perfect.
Nonetheless, it is still admired all over the world.
Those who expect decisions to be changed in response
to threats of violence - real or perceived - undermine
justice and the ability of officials to govern. Those
who have been convicted (in courts of law or the courts
of public opinion) miss golden opportunities for renewal
when they do not confess their waywardness, or activities
that would have made them appear to have made errors.
Would Richard Nixon have saved his Presidency with
an admission of having acted improperly? Televangelists
like Jimmy Swaggart, Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker and others - have
confessed, while denying much culpability - are
now back on the airwaves, again receiving millions
in donations from their fans. Only those who know the
law can determine what Mr. Williams could or should
say. However, when the battle lines were drawn, it
enabled those in authority to deny clemency; making
his execution a certainty.
Celebrities, power brokers and those with connections
reaching across many socio-economic circles wanted
to make statements in support of Williams. But when
their frustration and anger turned to threats of violence
against the very system that sustains society, then
what options were left to those responsible for maintaining
the integrity of the justice system? Placed in this "corner," the
integrity of the process had to be protected. Another
human being died.
A strike in New York
The city-wide transit strike, strategically-timed during
the busiest retail season of the year, is punishing
and penalizing millions, to the tune of billions. Challenging
or justifying this strike is not my purpose. What precipitated
the breakdown in communications and caused battle lines
to be drawn, risking millions in fines, lost wages,
irreparable damage to images - on both sides - remains
unclear to me and only time will enable us to measure
the damages. For now, right now, what does this strike
mean? One more time, labor and management are not on
the same team - and they should be. Those involved,
top to bottom, in the delivery of safe and predictable
transportation for millions of riders, have a common
purpose: customer service. When communications break
down and trust is broken, the end user - the
commuter - suffers immediately, with residual
issues sometimes lasting for decades.
From the front-line worker's perspective, there
is deep disappointment, even anger, generated by continuous
reports of big shots acting irresponsibly. Top level
executives are still commanding incredible salaries
with gigantic guaranteed pensions while asking the
rank and file to take less in pay and then give up
retirement benefits. As Jack Nicholson said in "As
Good As It Gets" - when talking to a dog that
he had previously thrown down the trash shoot, when
the dog was not being responsive to his request: "Where's
the trust?"
When employees feel abused (real or perceived) and
those who are capable of making things right do not
appear to have responded appropriately (whether true
or false) - then the crisis is simply inevitable. And,
unless some lessons can be learned soon; serious damage
will have been done. Unlike the Tookie Williams situation,
one individual may not be put to death. However, other
damages will occur; including fractured relationships,
broken communication, damaged stature, interrupted
cash flow - first for the merchants and later
the employees themselves and their organization. Bruised
egos, on either side, are the least important of the
fall-out - but, they too are real.
Restoring Trust
- Remember the mission and don't allow ego
and anger to misdirect actions. Tookie's fans
may have sealed his fate with their perceived threats
and bullying. Sometimes it is not doing what we can,
but doing what we should. A strike is legal, but
in this case, is it necessary to damage the well-being
of those who have no "dog in this fight" by
making their lives miserable, physically and financially?
- Choose communication and relationships over power
and control. The customers, the travelers, know what
is needed to sustain legitimate salaries and benefits.
After all, price-gouging is destructive whether at
the gas pump or the pay window. Legitimate profit
is what responsible business people and their honest
customers determine is a fair price. Integrity-centered
buyers and sellers, workers and owners, are willing
to protect the longer-term viability of the other.
Either too much or too little profit causes hardships.
With reference to management's responsibility, it's wrong to
prey upon those who find themselves in harm's way.
In Tookie's case it was the justice system.
In the transit strike it is the commuter and the
- Own errors, on either side, be contrite, and
drive for resolution, immediately or risk the ire
of those whose livelihoods are being threatened.
My grandfather taught me, "If you hurt me, I become upset. If
you harm my loved ones, there arises a fury." And, "If
hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned" - then
imagine the whirlwind that is being sown when families
lack the money to purchase gifts for their loved
ones because 60% of their income is generated in
the December business season.
- Avoid forcing the public to choose sides.
- Be gracious in accepting the resolution of the
San Quentin was the place Mr. Williams died. There
need not be a life and death, zero sum game, with this
transit strike. No one and no organization needs to
die here. Partnerships between labor and management,
even when they appear to have gotten together in a
shotgun wedding, can be long-lasting and constructive.
It starts and ends with integrity - mutual respect
and listening; always, listening. The pay-off will
be renewed trust. And trust is the lubricant that makes
the engine of free enterprise run with the least friction
and therefore at the highest level of productivity.
Question: (E-219)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on March 1, 2005
"Mentors' H.U.G.S. help instill values"
Where do values come from?
From whom did you learn your values? Healthy and supportive
families establish integrity-centered values by teaching right from wrong,
showing members of the next generation how to ask for help, offer suggestions
while learning to protect themselves and others. This inner circle establishes
rules regarding how long to work with tough challenges and when it is acceptable
to throw in the towel. Soon thereafter additional significant influences are
provided by teachers, spiritual leaders, adult supervisors, public figures,
peers and celebrities. Challenges to these important family priorities start
early, bombarding individuals constantly.
Holding firmly to important values starts with awareness
regarding from whom constructive behaviors were learned.
What were the values that these important role models
passed along? How well are you living up to behavioral
standards you accepted from those who influenced your
life positively? To determine what is still important
to you, list the values and behaviors you wish to see
in others, and then complete an honest scorecard on
your own reflection of those same actions.
Passing along positive values requires socially-responsible
individuals to model constructive values. Wise individuals
prefer not being judged on their worst days (in how
challenges were handled or successes celebrated). Instead
they seek continuous improvement, soliciting forthright
feedback. When the next generation does not see and
feel the sincerity of those to whom they are looking
for leadership, they are thrown into a vacuum. To fill
the emptiness they often turn to alternative role models;
and not always good ones.
Gangs and peer groups fill vacuums.Children
are vulnerable. As a professional football coach said,
just after his eighteen year old son was found dead
of an apparent suicide: "You can't give
your children too many hugs." To blunt negative
attractions - define HUGS as:
H = Humility. Be honest with those
you love by humbly acknowledging your concerns and
your shortcomings. Communicate the importance of two-way
communication to strengthen family life. Be real.
U = Understanding. Listen carefully
to the hopes and fears of youth. Their challenges are
different and require the extended support system - the
village - to build a strong and self-confident
human being. Acknowledge differences.
G = Give. Giving credit is about
respecting the efforts of young people who are confronted
by the daily values-barrage being waged by the media,
electronic conveniences and the ever-present internet.
Recognize the difficulties.
S = Smile. Sharing a supportive
smile confirms relationship and affection, not necessarily
approval of actions. Errors are teaching moments, making
home the place where constructive values are built
and smiles sustain relationships.
HUGS trump peer group pressures
and destructive intimidation. Hugs shape destinies.
Values, observed in our behaviors, were taught to us
by those people who cared enough about our success to
monitor how well we lived up to expectations, theirs
and ours. Values can be constructive or destructive depending
upon the agreed-upon priorities of core support group
members. Positive behaviors include character, honesty,
openness, charity and graciousness. Mentors who support
socially-constructive interactions define, explain, model
and coach those they are guiding toward honor and integrity.
Anti-social leaders also carefully nurture those they
are training. Their ideals reward those who become cunning,
manipulative, secretive, selfish and ruthless. Values,
positive or negative, determine destination. What destinies
are you creating for those who look to you for guidance?
Question: (E-220)
published in Jim Bracher's Integrity
Matters newspaper column on February 15, 2006
"You consistently tie profitability
with integrity and trust. Why?"
You consistently tie profitability with integrity
and trust. Why?
Relationships, built upon honoring commitments, are what sustain the long-term
success of the enlightened free enterprise system. Enlightened free enterprise
demands legitimate, not excessive, profits, simultaneously valuing community,
the source of integrity and trust. When trust breaks down, faceless buyers
and sellers demand detailed contracts and more costly inspections. When breaches
of trust are deep, legislation is demanded. F ree markets must operate with
integrity, a culture of compliance, or face increasing government oversight.
Whatever precipitates the need for recalling faulty
automobiles or restating corporate financials, uncertainty
precedes loss of trust. The Wall Street Journal reports
(12-27-05) that "Medical-device maker Guidant
Corporation announced Friday that its fourth quarter
sales and profit will be well below Wall Street expectations
as it continues to struggle to regain consumer confidence
after months of warnings about rare malfunctions in
its cardiac electrical devices." Guidant's
corporate leadership illustrates failed integrity.
Its leaders mislead customers, some of whom died and
the company is paying a high price for its self-serving
Thinking only about short-term profits is a mistake.
The old maxim applies: "Cheat me once, shame
on you. Cheat me twice, shame on me." Many consumers
recognize when they are being violated. And, though
not vengeful, those who have suffered marketplace mistreatment
have long memories and will likely never give the same
greedy individuals a chance to prey on them again.
A local businessman is frustrated by those who shop
at his conveniently-located retail store to "test-drive" photography
equipment, choosing to purchase elsewhere from lower-cost
providers. These folks know the price of just about
everything and the value of almost nothing. His contribution
is not recognized. So, his enterprise is at risk. A
society operating this coldly will self-destruct, bankrupting
neighbors, while saving a few dollars on purchases.
Five attitudes need to be addressed to sustain enlightened
free enterprise. Way before modern economic theories
were created, wealthy landowners left food in the fields
to insure even the poorest of the poor would survive.
Before welfare, it neighbors cared for those at risk.
In the hurry to grow margins, a very unhealthy mistrust
has arisen between labor and management, rulers and
the ruled. It must change.
First, legitimate profit is constructive. Second, workers
deserve appropriate compensation. Third, suppliers must
be able to earn appropriate returns. Four, families and
villages are cornerstones of culture and are worth sustaining.
Five, success in the enlightened free enterprise system
is about how people treat one another: socially, politically
and economically. Restoring trust demands, at least sometimes,
sacrificing incredible for reasonable profits while maintaining
genuine concern for all stakeholders, demonstrating customer
loyalty and social sensitivity. Integrity and trust build
long-term profitability.