Integrity Matters
September 17, 2008
Share your own brand of the 'Aloha' spirit
Question: (E-360) 
Vacations provide wonderful moments to renew spirits, slow down, rest, read and observe others without the usual hurry. Such was how we spent some time recently on the Big Island of Hawaii. Getting away is important, and so are the occasions to see how others cope with many of the same challenges we also face every day. Vacations can be opportunities to learn from others, gaining wisdom that can make life, back home, a little better both personally and professionally.
Tourism, as we all know, is suffering; but, dramatically in Hawaii. Too many rooms are empty, with restaurants serving fewer customers.
So, what a surprise when we found, placed inside the menu, to greet each customer, the following words from David Palmer, whose business card describes him as Proprietor and Keeper of the Concept at Café Pesto, Kawaihae, Hawaii. Obviously, he understands and accepts that his job is to "be" the very values and culture he wants from his employees. Here is what he wrote:
We know that you, our customers have many places from which to choose and that especially now, your dollars are dear. We'd like you to know how much we appreciate your business and we will make every effort to create for you an enjoyable dining experience.
With that in mind, we are pleased to announce the return of our most acclaimed and beloved Chef, Moses "Moki" Tavares. His culinary talents and authentic sense of "Aloha" will enhance the consistency, value and quality that have been the foundation of our 20 years of success.
Again, from all of us at Café Pesto, on the South Kohala Coast, thank you for choosing to dine with us.
Is there any doubt that these folks understand why they go to work every day? They are at Café Pesto to serve delicious food in a caring and professional way. So, how does that apply to us?
Mr. Palmer's focus is on the integrity of his concept: making sure that each and every guest feels the Aloha spirit while enjoying a memorable meal.
Of what are you the proprietor? How are you going about being the keeper of the concept? As a parent, child (young or old), business owner, public servant, employee, manager, student, professor or spiritual leader - Mr. Palmer has offered clear guidelines.
- Let those you serve know you value them.
- Show appreciation for those with whom you work.
- Take the time to pass along your thoughts in writing.
- Set the tone, consistently, for how those around you are expected to operate.
- Share your own brand of "Aloha" - which really boils down to the warmth that comes from listening and caring.