July 25, 2003
boss needs a clue

Question: (E-058)
boss was approached by the Red Cross to have a blood drive.
He refused to participate because he does not want to
disrupt one day's work. Now he won't even give us time
off to go on our own, using available "personal business
time" that is part of our benefit package. What can
we do, and what do you think of this?
frustrated blood donor.
what do I think? Your boss is making a mistake.
is a luxury our society cannot afford. Your boss is missing
an important opportunity to safeguard against emergencies.
of what one chooses to support in areas of charitable
giving, refusing to donate blood is risky and foolish.
Statistical information underscores the universal need
for blood. Emergencies affect a large segment of our population.
As our nation continues to become older, it should be
obvious that there is a growing need for adequate blood
and those who carry out horrific societal sabotage must
be taken seriously. Now, more than ever before, we are
required, just as the Scouting oath demands, to always
be prepared. Having enough "clean blood" is
an imperative. We cannot wait until we are in the middle
of such events as these to get ready: floods, fires, tornadoes,
hurricanes, plane crashes, and other catastrophes. Keeping
the blood bank fully stocked is essential.
thoughts are quite clear about a boss who is not interested
in functioning proactively in areas related to adding
to a community's blood supply. My reaction can be
remembered with three letters of the alphabet: SOS. This
type of thinking is simply Stuck On Shortsightedness!
it were not such a serious lapse in judgment, it might
warrant spending energy in teaching the individual about
the services of the American Red Cross and its life-saving
contributions. But, from your description of this "production-driving"
supervisor, it might be a waste of energy, at least for
the present.
yours is still the challenge of what to do about the blood
drive. Here are some steps to keep the blood reserves
strong for your community:
- Reconnect
with the Red Cross and donate your own blood, immediately.
- Encourage your colleagues to do the
- Contact the human resources department and learn
your company's policy about utilizing personal
business time.
- Cut the boss a little slack. Assume that he really
does support building up blood reserves and that he
might have good reasons for not wanting to impact
productivity at this time.
- Circle back with the boss, in a less stressful
business cycle, and ask when might be the best time
of the year for supporting the blood drive and communicate
the better schedule to the Red Cross or an appropriate