March 19, 2003
We need your help

Dear Readers of INTEGRITY MATTERS (E-030)
you, in advance, for your help. A few weeks ago, a coupon
began appearing on the business page asking for your assistance.
are asking you to identify an ethical company. We suggested
nine guidelines. These nine questions address the way
a company operates.
far, we have received one nomination. Now, who wants to
come in first in a one person activity? Further, who in
their right mind wants to be singled out as the only ethical
leader in our community? So, come on and let us know the
names of those individuals who represent what is still
right about leadership and ownership.
know that you come into contact with high-quality organizations
all the time. So, please lend a hand. Tell us the names
of companies that exhibit positive qualities related to:
in case you want to review the original nine questions,
they are listed in the coupon shown lower on this page.
We would like to report in our April 2, 2003, Integrity
Matters column that the readership of the Californian
identifies ethical companies.
BRACHER is founder of the Bracher Center for Integrity
in Leadership in Monterey. His column, "Integrity
Matters," appears Wednesday on the Business page.
Readers are invited to submit questions on business-related
ethics and values. Please write in care of INTEGRITY to The center's Web site is

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