Integrity Matters Broadcasts
November 3, 2008
Dear Friends:
Thanksgiving Day commemorates 17th Century immigrants in New England, building relationships with Native Americans, surviving in their new home, across the Atlantic Ocean. Hardship was the crucible for those who gathered the end of a harsh and meager harvest, sitting down with strangers, offering prayers of thanks – for simply being alive. It was not about the food, it was about the people and the privilege of sharing.
Thanksgiving is about courage, survival, sharing and building relationships. Oh, yes, it is about food, but not so much about eating the food, as in giving generously to others.
Seems that multiple cultural traditions, during the months of November and December, encourage generosity and thoughtfulness – creating what might be called A Season of Giving – beginning with Thanksgiving.
Pictured below are some of our favorite people, participating in both “giving and receiving” – in this instance, by the donation an automobile to The Boys and Girls Clubs of Monterey County. What prompted the photo below was a gift by Kenneth and Cary Roberts, of Houston, Texas, and Pebble Beach, California, to pass along an automobile –creating additional financial support for younger people.

Donna Ferraro, President and CEO, Boys and Girls Clubs of Monterey County,
with Mrs. Cary Roberts, and Ron Johnson, Vice-President,
Boys and Girls Clubs of Monterey County
There really are only two kinds of people: givers and takers. If the folks who know you best were asked to comment about which kind of person you were, would you be proud of how you would be categorized? If you are a giver, then be sure to make this another season of giving. If you are not yet known as a giver, then now is the time to initiate your own giving. And, who knows, you and some of your friends might have an automobile, boat, airplane, or some other non-essential item that could, when offered to your favorite charity – well, you get the message.
When the time comes to examine your life and see who you are, remember that “the best mirror you will ever have is the face of a friend.” These are profound words from Mark Middleton, in his book, Personal Success and the Bottom Line. And, another wise reminder comes from President Abraham Lincoln, who is credited with this splash of cold water: “After the age of 40, each individual is responsible for his or her own face.”
Integrity is never far away from our daily actions. Bringing the concept of honesty and dependability close to “home” in a personal application of business and commerce, this insight was passed along by one of my mentors regarding “price versus quality”:
It will be easier to explain price once - than to repeatedly have to explain quality.
Happy Holidays – a little bit early! During the month of December, expect a Merry Christmas wish from me and – should your tradition not be the same as mine, be assured that my wishes come from my cultural heritage and are intended to let you know that all wishes are offered in a spirit of giving and care.
Oh, by the way, if you do have a car or something like that to donate – consider contacting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County:
Donna Ferraro
Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County
1332 La Salle Avenue
P.O. Box 97
Seaside, CA 93955
Phone 831-394-5171 x250
Fax 831-394-4898
James F. Bracher
Dimension Five Consultants, Inc.
Bracher Center for Integrity in Leadership
P.O. Box 22467
Carmel, California 93922
And at:
James F. (Jim) Bracher, Director
Executives in Residence
University Corporation at Monterey Bay
California State University Monterey Bay
100 Campus Center,
Building 201 - Suite 101
Seaside, California 93955
Phone: (831) 582-5015
Phone: direct: (831) 582-5038
(831) 582-5019 Fax