Integrity Matters Broadcasts
July 19, 2007
Dear friends:
Many of you know that Robert Keeshan - aka - Captain Kangaroo - has served as a special reminder for many who have sought our leadership counsel. He taught us that constructive impact begins with interpersonal skills that should have been learned early in life. An influential teacher, for millions, was and remains -

He was able to reduce complex interactions into simple and effective behaviors. Pay attention and find ways to utilize his suggestions, regularly.
Effective leaders frequently employ the Captain’s three key responses:
- Please.
- Thank you.
- I am sorry, I made a mistake.
Captain Kangaroo, Bob Keeshan, entertained children with his informative and life-affirming television program for 29 years. He demonstrated proper ways to treat other people – and his wisdom often boiled down to knowing which of his three standard responses would be most appropriate.
Many conflicts could be resolved with the use of his straight-forward counsel. And, problems could be avoided using these same, simple words: please; thank you; and I am sorry, I made a mistake.
Click here to view Captain Kangaroo’s website:
Life Lessons from Noah’s Ark – from my July 12, 2007 Integrity Matters newspaper column:
The following ten Noah’s Ark suggestions arrived via email. They are clever, but are they practical? Do they encourage integrity?
Here are the first three of ten:
“Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's ark:
- Don't miss the boat.
- Remember that we are all in the same boat.
- Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
To read the remaining seven lessons from Noah, with Jim Bracher’s applications -
To leverage insights from Captain Kangaroo and Noah:
Catch people doing something right and then let them know.
One more time, thank you, Pebble Beach Company and members of your professional team, for taking care of a long-time patron who appreciates the "stress-reduction" of having my keys back, avoiding the hassles associated with such losses.
Integrity Matters and it pays - because we intend to share this story with those with whom we come in contact; including those who read our Integrity Matters Broadcasts. Appreciatively, Jim Bracher
In the meantime, please let us know if you would like the Bracher Center’s “integrity in leadership” message brought to your organization or association: Jim Bracher – keynote speaker