Third Annual "Integrity-Centered
Leadership Forum"
California State University Monterey Bay at
the University Center -
Thursday, March 10, 2005

Mr. James F. Bracher and Fr. Robert F. Drinan
Facing 200 students in CSU-Monterey Bay's University
Center - Fr. Robert F. Drinan, professor,
former member of the United States House of Representatives
and author, opened the Third Annual Integrity-Centered
Leadership Forum assessing international human
rights . He made the point in several ways that
the United States needs to do more, immediately, with
reference to securing and protecting human rights or
the United States risks further harm to its global image.
Exporting democracy and not protecting prisoners (of
war) sends the wrong signal.
When Drinan completed his remarks, Former California
Congressman, Leon Panetta expanded the conversation,
asking fellow panel member, Jim Bracher, founder, Bracher
Center for Integrity in Leadership, whose book, Integrity
Matters he referenced; to define integrity in
the context of scandals at practically every level of
society. Bracher's comments centered on his Eight
Attributes as evidence that individuals
can behave properly when they do what they say and say
what they do. "It is about building trust and confidence,
between customers and companies and between producers
and suppliers, between and among all stakeholders. This
is the meaning of character and it requires honesty,
openness and a host of behaviors that confirm steadiness
and dependability."
Panetta voiced urgency and outrage over the deep-pocketed
influence on policymakers. "I don't sense the outrage
of what we're seeing in corporate America, or even in
the media," said Panetta. "Money is speaking
a great deal these days in terms of policy," he
said. "If people remain quiet, then nothing is going
to change."
Along with Jim Bracher, Salinas Mayor Anna Caballero
and former Massachusetts Congressman, Fr. Robert Drinan,
Panetta facilitated a two-hour discussion on international
human rights, professional ethics and integrity-centered
Students were urged to organize and stand against corporate
scandals and crimes against humanity. "Integrity
is the foundation of reasonable and civil discourse," mentioned
Bracher, "and it is the only path upon which individuals
can never get lost."
Quoting Victoria Manley, from the Monterey (California)
Herald, on Friday, March 12, 2005, "I meet a lot
of people who are outraged, but are they organized?" asked
Drinan, a Jesuit priest known for his strong and outspoken
beliefs on human rights issues. "The voice of students
is very compelling," Drinan told the group. "You
can never know what the power of voice is going to do."
Though organized by the business school, the discussion
at times took a poignantly political turn, wrote Manley.
Panetta, Drinan and Caballero -- all well-known Democrats
-- didn't hesitate to criticize the leadership in state
and federal government.
Mayor Caballero spoke of accountability and related
individual responsibility with making sure that adequate
housing was provided for the workforce needed to sustain
the economy of Monterey County; namely, agribusiness
and hospitality workers.
Bracher reiterated the message about listening, carefully
and graciously, even to those with whom one disagrees.
Civil discourse can avert civil disobedience and violence.
Thoughtful and engaging interactions can lead to constructive
conversations, productive give-and-take and profitable
efforts, whether business-driven or socially-motivated.

The Power of Voice
CSU-Monterey Bay's School of Business held its
third annual Business Ethics Panel on Friday. The Rev.
Robert Drinan, at right joined panelists Jim Bracher,
left, Salinas Mayor Anna Caballero and Leon Panetta.
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