Integrity Matters
March 2, 2005
Integrity conversation has plenty of
room for all
Twenty-five years ago, on March 1, 1980, our executive-effectiveness
consulting business, Dimension Five Consultants Inc.
was founded. Our work centered on restoring integrity
through insight, with a vision to expand the integrity
conversation to help build a world in which people do
what they say, are forthright in their communications
and a handshake solidifies any promise.
On Dec. 4, 2002, this "Integrity Matters" column
was launched in The Salinas Californian. It was followed
in May 2004 with the publication of our first book, "Integrity
Matters." Three concerns drove this emphasis on
integrity in leadership:
- Fear that society's values are eroding, in business
and in private lives.
- Uncertainty that the next generation is being provided
substantive guidelines by which to avoid self-destruction.
- Doubt that without constant reminders of the need
to think seriously and behave responsibly both political
and economic freedoms will disappear.
As we move further into the 21st century, the excesses
of a few appear to have punished the whole of society,
especially the economy.
A world has been created where the prevailing structures
promote the politics of convenience over the commitment
of leadership.
Too large a part of the business community enjoyed
the excesses of luxury as it drifted from quick deals
to devastating dishonesty.
It is time to address our shortcomings because it should
be common knowledge that society must regulate itself
- one person and one action at a time - or governments
Perhaps the following questions will challenge you
and prompt you to submit your own a question for this
- When will the public demand that civility replace
rudeness on television, radio and between and among
elected officials?
- Will sports fans demand that professional athletes
cease their circus antics of performance-enhancing "shows" and
return to honest competition and admirable behavior,
on and off of the playing fields?
- How can a multicultural society, such as the USA,
succeed unless integrity influences how we evolve from
what has been a melting pot culture to an even more
powerful mosaic?
- What must be done to restore respect for public
servants? If something is not done, who will be willing
to become officers of the law?
- What happened to the reporting of news? Is it now
simply about entertainment, market share and selling
Will you please contribute to the "Integrity Matters" dialogue,
send us your questions and help address fears, uncertainties
and doubts?