Integrity Resources...
Integrity - A to Z
by James F. Bracher
Affirm values in all behaviors, all of the time.
Broadcast vision with enthusiasm and clarity.
Communicate mission through operational bench
Dedicate toward victory as continuous improvement.
Examine obstacles beginning with self awareness.
Frame a winning strategy that galvanizes into
Gain support from colleagues and adversaries.
Handle resistance graciously.
Inspire acceptable options.
Join personal and professional priorities and
seek integration.
Know when you have won; when enough is enough.
Listen for sources of self-doubt.
Master a process to conquer challenges .
Neutralize fear with clarity of direction.
Orchestrate resources respecting all stakeholders.
Prepare for emergencies and proceed with risk-taking
Question rigidity while respecting commitment.
Refuse to abdicate beliefs: values, vision, mission,
Savor achievements while remaining vigilant.
Transform boulders into building blocks, enemies
into advocates.
Utilize the wisdom of friends and loved ones.
Validate appropriate behaviors with timely recognition.
Weld values to vision and leaders to people.
X-ray your own motives and act only with integrity.
Yield opinions to convictions.
Zero-in on top priorities and celebrate success.
James F. Bracher, creator of the Bracher Center
for Integrity in Leadership, is the founder and chairman
of Dimension Five Consultants, Inc. a management consulting
firm in Monterey, California.
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